Recipe Testing. Copy Editing. All Things Food. (& Latin Tutoring, too!)


All Things Food

Posts in Berks Farm Table Cookbook
Blueberry-Rhubarb Crumb Pie, or How One Recipe Begets Another

For Thanksgiving 2019, I sent out a Google Form to our kids and their significant others that asked:

1. It’s not Thanksgiving if we don’t have ____________.

2. My favorite kind of pie is ____________.

It was going to be the first time Daniel’s girlfriend, Greta, was spending Thanksgiving with us, so I wanted to be sure to make her choice of Dutch apple pie (as well as her request for mashed potatoes, but that’s another post). But that’s never been a request before in our family! So I began my research and found some guidelines for the apple filling, but then I decided to try using the topping I had made when testing the blueberry crisp recipe* for The Berkshire Farm Table Cookbook. Everyone agreed that was an inspired idea!

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Ditalini with Sugar Snap Peas and Pancetta – sort of

It’s less than a week until The Berkshires Farm Table Cookbook hits the shelves! Although I probably won’t be able to see it in bookstores for a while, I can’t wait to see it on the cookbook table at Guido’s Fresh Marketplace!

One of the first recipes I tested for this cookbook was ditalini with sugar snap peas and pancetta. And then I tested it again several more times! It’s not that it is a difficult recipe – not at all. But, as with many recipes in this cookbook, Elisa and Rob wanted a vegetarian version. While conceptually this was not a challenge – mushrooms work beautifully with the flavors of this dish – writing the instructions to account for the different sequencing if you’re using mushrooms versus pancetta in a way that was clear and concise was a challenge.

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From The Berkshires Farm Table Cookbook – Maple Dijon Vinaigrette

In a little over a week, on May 19, The Berkshires Farm Table Cookbook will be available! I feel so lucky to have worked on this project, and one recipe I’ve made many time since I tested it is a wonderful Maple Dijon Vinaigrette.

Head on over to Berkshires and Beyond for today’s post – a guest post I wrote that includes this recipe after we enjoyed it on a “What’s-In-The-Fridge” Salad!

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From The Berkshires Farm Table Cookbook – Rhubarb Compote & Pork Chops

I am getting so excited we move closer and closer to the publication date of The Berkshires Farm Table Cookbook on May 19! And when it comes out, we will soon be seeing rhubarb in the stores, and so I wanted to offer an idea for the savory rhubarb compote recipe in the book.

Head on over to Berkshires and Beyond for today’s post – a guest post I wrote that includes not only the recipe from the book for the rhubarb compote, but also a recipe for my favorite, easy brine for pork chops!

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Advance Copy Is Here!!!

The are not enough words to say how excited I am!! Elisa Spungen Bildner and Robert Bildner dropped off an advance copy of The Berkshires Farm Table Cookbook this afternoon!!

It looks so beautiful, and even though I had seen the galleys when we had many conversations about the recipes and the food photographs, it’s so much more thrilling to see it bound as a book! (Check out the companion website, where you can find links to pre-order from Amazon, Indie Bound, or Barnes & Noble.)

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Leek Tarts with Chèvre

Today I wrote another post as a guest blogger for, the companion website for The Berkshires Farm Table Cookbook which is due to come out on May 19, 2020. (Link to the specific post here.) This is the cookbook for which I did extensive recipe-testing and copyediting, reading each recipe at least three times, and testing well over ⅔ of the recipes in the book. I hope you’ll consider pre-ordering this book! It’s a great celebration of the farms and farmers of the Berkshires, with wonderful recipes that will give you great ideas about using the bounty of the land.

There’s a great recipe in the book for Leek Tarts with Chèvre, and a couple of weeks ago I made them for a Zoom cocktail party. But I didn’t have any leeks, and these days, I didn’t want to make any unnecessary trips to the store. So I came up with a great variation that uses maple bacon onion jam that I wrote about in this post.

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Tartes Tatin with Roasted Beets

Today I wrote as a guest blogger for, the companion website for The Berkshires Farm Table Cookbook which is due to come out on May 19, 2020. This is the cookbook for which I did extensive recipe-testing and copyediting, reading each recipe at least three times, and testing well over ⅔ of the recipes in the book, as well as a number of additional recipes that didn’t make it into the book.

One of those recipes was for Tartes Tatin with Roasted Beets. Although the caramel can be a bit tricky, this recipe is a winner! Elisa Spungen Bildner and Robert Bildner, the authors, asked if I would write a post for this dish since I tested it more than once! You can find the link for my guest post here, and on that page you can also find a link to pre-order this phenomenal cookbook that celebrates the farmers, chefs, and food of the Berkshires.

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A short while back, my friend and colleague, Ellen Perry, who is a Classics professor at Holy Cross, interviewed me about my recipe-testing and copy editing endeavor. She wanted to write a piece about me for an online publication for which she is an occasional contributor, and it has just been published!

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